Coffee & Tea Marketing Journal


Coffee & Tea Marketing Journal

Coffee & Tea
Marketing Journal

Level 30, The Leadenhall Building
122 Leadenhall St, London EC3V 4AB
United Kingdom

Editor in Chief:
Grzegorz Maciejewski
Deputy Editor in Chief:
Sylwia Mokrysz and Łukasz Wróblewski
Przemysław Luberda

Coffee & Tea Market Research Institute
265 Katowicka St
43-450 Ustroń, Poland

The Association is registered in the Register of associations kept by the Regional Court in Bielsko-Biala, VIII Commercial Department of the National Judicial Register under number 0000996400.

ISSN 3071-7167 (print) / ISSN 3071-6691 (online)

The Journal is registered in the Register of newspapers and periodicals kept by the District Court in Bielsko-Biala, I Civil Division, under number 991.